Saturday, August 4, 2007

Location, Location, Location

Okay, so first off - sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I haven't been on, for the most part, because I'VE BEEN WORKING, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! HAVE YOU SEEN MY NIGHTMARE NETWORTH?? THEY'LL TAKE EVERYTHING I HAVE IF I STOP WORKING!! FORECLOSE ON MY HOUSE! AUCTION OFF MY SHOES!! IF I STOP WORKING, THE TERRORISTS WIN!!!!!!Seriously, y'all have to tell me how you find the time to do all this blogging stuff on top of working. Do you sleep?

Anyway, the other reason I hadn't been posting was because it didn't seem like a whole lot of people were seeing my blog (I know - it's new, it takes time, yada yada - Sorry, but I'm an instant gratification type of guy) and, as a result, I felt like I was talking to myself. Heck, not even talking - I was typing to myself, which seemed patently ridiculous (I mean, should I text myself next? Find myself on E-Harmony?) So, I went away, to work...and to mope.

However, upon my return I find that over 60 of you have come to my palace of public financial humiliation and bloodletting, and to you I say, Welcome! Some have made the journey from as far away as Canada (the only foreign country I've ever been to, although it really doesn't count because it's kind of attached - Private Benjamin) and to you I say, How's that universal healthcare thing working for ya? Is it nice where you are? Would I enjoy living in the land of unusual bacon and Mounties?

Yes, dear reader, we have finally arrived at The Point Of This Post. I live in New York. New York City proclaims that it is The Greatest City In The World, which is fine, I guess. NYC has a slightly inflated ego? - we'll let that slide; kinda like we do with Paris Hilton. Neither NYC nor Ms. Hilton are half as great as they think they are, neither of them has done anything really spectacular in quite some time, if ever, and most of their current noteriety is more for negative things than positive. Still, we can let them have their little fantasies that they are the greatest.

However, when New York's inflated ego reflects on my budget in the form of ridiculously high property and school taxes - well, it's time for a reality check. I pay way too much for way too little and I'm tired of it. I'm thinking that it's time to pack my bags and find a cheaper place to exist. So I'm asking all of you out there; Would I like living in your town more? Would it be cheaper? Nicer? Friendlier? Better schools? Does your town have the best moccachino this side of the Mississippi?

This post is interactive, folks. And I'm serious. In fact, let's make it a contest - leave me a comment telling me why your town is The Place To Be. If, based upon your post, your town is selected as the winner, my family, my dog and I will move to your town and you can meet Debt Daddy in person! (I will shower for the event - that's how you know it's a realllly big deal). The winning poster will also receive a Free T-shirt! (not a new t-shirt, mind you - after all, I'm on a budget - it will probably be one of my old t-shirts that's a little too fugly to wear to work, but hey! It's a free t-shirt!!)

Wow, I can so feel the excitement flowing from you right now! Well, go ahead - don't let me keep you any longer - post your comments now! :)


Anonymous said...

... interesting idea there, Debt Daddy.... and even though it may sound a bit odd, I highly recommend the city of Knoxville (and I'll pass on the tee-shirt, by the way), Tennessee......

... sure, we've got our rednecks, hillbillies, and corrupt Southern politicians, but hey, land is cheap and the schools ain't too bad.....

Eric of Straight White Guy

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