Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Where have I been? Ah...where haven't I been?

I know, I's just been too friggin' long between posts, and you're jonesing just a little bit for the old Debt Daddy, aren't you? C'mon, fess up - you missed the curmudgeonly ramblings of the man also known as He Who Doth Not Bathe Regularly. Yeah, me too. I've missed being around...I've missed organizing my thoughts into some sort of neatly stacked diatribe and tossing it at the computer screen to see what sticks. It's just been a downright fugly bitch of a month for oh so many reasons. I'll get to a few of those in a moment, but first, some shout outs to my peeps - Boyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Okay, first off, if you don't know my buddy JW over at Need to be Debt Free (see my links on the sidebar), you gotta check him out. He's got some really good content, and seems to find much more time to post than your old good for nuthin' yours truly. A few weeks ago, I hit his site and was pleased to find a link to the entire movie, "Maxed Out". Debt Daddy gives this flick two huge thumbs up - by the end of the film, you just wanna take a credit card company CEO out behind the woodshed and show him the business end of a pitchfork...and not in a good way. Anyway, here's the link - catch it when you can and tell a friend.

Second, to Brian over at Over 40 Debt Weight Loss - hey dude, thanks for missing me, and I'm glad you're picking up what I'm putting down. And while I'm at it, thanks as well to Jeff B for your completely cool comments - it's not every day that Debt Daddy gets called poetic (pathetic, on the other hand - yeah, I hear that pretty much every day - more often than not from that scruffy looking dude in my mirror - what's up with him??) As you can see if you looked around the blog, we don't get a whole lotta comments here in DebtDaddyville, so those I do get I treasure, like a Mantle rookie card or a Hummel (okay, Hummels are those kinda freaky looking miniature porcelain figures, usually featuring children with overly wide eyes. Why does Debt Daddy know about Hummels? True Story - when The Daddy was just a wee lad of 17, his virginity was taken ((okay, okay - I gave it to her happily)) by a hot little 21 year old blonde dancer who we'll call Bambi. Bambi was the stuff that dreams are made of, and she made a lot of my 17 year old dreams come true. And Bambi, hot little vixen that she was, collected Hummels. Now, did you really need to know all that? Nah...I just like to brag about Bambi sometimes.) So thanks for the comments, thanks for coming back, and tell a friend.

Okay, so on to why I haven't been around. Let's start with my computer, which has become quite possessed lately. Apparently, something posing as an Adobe update got into my system and has been multiplying like the price of oil. As a result, I've learned quite a bit about Trojans, AdWare, MalWare, GrayWare - most of which are designed to redirect your browser to places you didn't ask for. It's like Pop Up Hell. As a result, it would sometimes take me up to five minutes just to get to my homepage. Ironically, half the time it would redirect me to non-working websites, so it didn't even do it's job effectively. While I still haven't been able to get it all out of my system, I've found a way to bypass it, so I can do what I need to do and, more importantly, it can't do anything that it wants to do.

And so, I'd like to say something to the inventors of these programs, if any of them are reading this - congratulations. You've created an idiotic, devious little beast that most reasonable people don't want and don't like in the least. You've brought into the world a self important, time wasting hellion that seems to take great pleasure in blocking real progress, only to interrupt with programs that don't work and don't go anywhere. So pat yourself on the back. I mean really - how many people can say they've done that?

Yep, you and Barbara Bush. You're in fine company, bucko.

So, that's one reason I've been AWOL. There are others, and I'll get to them, but not tonight. It's late, I'm tired and I usually use the last hour before sleep to have a mild panic attack and question most of the major decisions I've made in my life (ahhhhhhhh...quality time). I will try to get back here sooner, and on a more regular basis. For all of you who keep dropping by - thanx for hangin' with the Debt Daddy.

You Rock.

Peace Out.


jeff b said...

Whenever I hear these stories, I'm always thankful I use a mac. Everyone I know who has a pc has had similar problems at one time or another. Sounds like a real PITA. Worse than the virus is the paranoia that follows about getting infected again - Denying yourself websites and downloads and worrying...

anyway, can't wait to read more.

JW said...

Thank you for the very kind words regarding our blog. My post frequency will start diminishing very soon, (starting 2nd job again).

I sincerely enjoyed the movie Maxed Out also. I felt that it gave a very honest portrayal of the devastating effects of debt.

I'm a big fan of your site and look forward to reading every post you make.

Thanks :)