Friday, May 9, 2008

You Wanna Do WHAT??

I've gone off the deep end.

I want to open a restaurant.

I know, I know.....Debt Daddy is insanity personified. He's already got so much work going on that there needs to be a scheduled appointment for sleep, absolutely NO working capital to speak of, and he's talking about going into a business with a fairly abysmal success rate. Yes, in this venture, the odds are stacked squarely against our hero.

Given my history, that seems to be exactly the way I like them.

So, what do I have? Grand Illusions (or is it delusions? Right either way, I guess). I have a vision, building in the back of my brain, of not just a restaurant, but more of a theatrical experience...with food.

The food in question is what can only be described as "comfort food". However, that means different things to different people. So, I ask you - what's your favorite comfort food? What's that special something you like to eat that makes you feel all warm and cozy and makes a crappy day seem not so crappy?

Please, please respond to this question. There are no wrong answers, there will not be a quiz, you can even post anonymously if you like. However, if you do include your name, and the food you mention makes it onto the menu, there's a good chance we'll name that dish after you. So quick! Comment now! Immortality on a menu might be only a few short keystrokes away!


Anonymous said...

I am afraid my list of comfort foods would be to long for you to list but never to long in line for me to eat when feeling down. However I do not have to feel down to munch, anything tasty in my eye is categorized as a belly comforter.

Vinny said...

For me, comfort food is any food I don't have to make.

Anonymous said...

Meatballs and mashed potatoes with hamburger gravy and a side of corn.

Anonymous said...

Meatloaf is my vote for comfort food. But seriously, restaurants are a good way to lose your shirt. I had a friend who had spent 20 years managing chain restaurants (Luby's in Texas most recently) who decided to strike out on his own. Despite his experience, his own ability as a cook (I've eaten at their home, Chris was a great cook) and his wife waitressing for free, they were out of business in 6 months.